The key principle of the Bonanomi philosophy is to guarantee high quality standard.
In accomplishing our mission, by achieving objectives which are defined, planned, shared, commu-nicated, and periodically revised at every level of the organization, we concentrate our action on a set of fundamental values:
- Focus on the customer, on its needs and expectations.
- Definition of clear and measurable targets for the core business processes.
- Involvement of human resources, both employees and coworkers, to achieve the objectives set by the system.
- Attention to the selection of qualified supplier for raw materials and services, with whom cooperate to deliver the final customer a better product.
- Investments aimed at maintaining a prominent level of technological progress all over the company (machineries, hardware, and software).
- Production management, putting first the safety of the workplace and the respect for the en-vironment.
- Contribution to the continuous improvement of the management system through the con-stant evaluation/review of risks and opportunities, and the analysis of the context with refer-ence to the stakeholders.
Our company guarantees high quality processes and products thanks to systematic, statistical, and spot controls in every phase of the production cycle, highly skilled staff, and modern inspection tools.
The analysis carried out on all the production cycle allow us to have a product which fully meets customer requirements.